How to Use Your Images to Promote Yourself and Your Business

Make Your Social Media Shine

So you are thinking about having a branding shoot done and your are wondering what you should do with all the amazing images your are about to have at your fingertips.

Here are some of the very useful ways you can make your social media shine daily with your new and gorgeous images.

Create Graphics

There are many ways to do this. Canva, Photoshop, PicMonkey, even Microsoft Word can be used to make awesome graphics that help relate your brand story.

Once your create your brand identity by choosing your fonts and colors you can use these guidelines to create content that is consistent throughout your social media and website.


Create Slideshows

There are tons of free slideshow makers online. Many of them require you to pay to remove their branding and get all the bells and whistles. So if it is in the budget picking the one you like the best and paying can be worth your while.

Most of the online slideshow makers allow you to put in slides with words, or add graphics on cool slide transitions and music to your slideshows.

For something more simple and fast, Facebook also gives you the option to create your own slideshows in your timeline.

The limit on images is currently 10, but I would say that is more than enough since most people don’t watch a video for that long anyway. The downside it that is now stuck on Facebook more or less and isn’t transferable to other platforms.

Create Cards

You can also use your branding photos to create cards for your business. Holiday cards, thank you cards, and gift cards.

So much of what we do today is digital so a physical thank you card really stands out in the intangible world of the digital marketing realm.

With services like Shutterfly and Vistaprint you can easily create cards online. If you want to keep your own fonts and colors you may need to design in another program and upload your image to their site.


Add the funny out-take photos to your newsletter and really give your clients a behind the scenes look at what you are about. Pictures of your dog licking your face or you doing your favorite activity and looking candid give the viewer a look into you and your life.

You can use your newsletter to give a little more personality to your business. These people have already elected to hear from you.

People want to buy from those they “know, like and trust” so letting others get to know a little more about you can go a long way.

Instagram and Social Media

As I am sure you are aware you need some kind of graphic or photo to post to Instagram, without it, there is no post at all. So having a bank of amazing photos of you and your business to use is extremely useful.

Other social media sites have algorithms that seem to favor posts with images. It also makes your post stand out in the feed and take up more space.

So obviously the more attention grabbing the images are the better.

Email signature

Adding a photo of yourself at the bottom of your email can help people really remember you.

Many of us cannot remember a persons name after just meeting them one time.

I for one, am horrible with names. I will remember their face, but have zero idea what their name is or where I even met them.

However, having an idea that someone is familiar will help most people be more open to their message.

Having your face and your name right underneath can help people remember you.

So if they see your face in your emails, online, and in social media, they are more likely to feel a connection to you, your business and your mission.

Professional Headshot in Seattle

Professional quality bio picture for speaking and guest blogging

A professional quality bio photo says a lot about you, mainly, that you are a professional.

You are not just someone spouting off their views with a selfie. You are a professional writer with a refined and researched point of view.

Also, this can help keep your name and your face in front of more people. They say people need to see your business a minimum of 7 times before they will purchase anything. So, having your face as many places as possible is worth the effort.

Front and center on your website

Most marketers say one of the first things a potential client should see upon landing on your website is a photo of you. Preferably looking straight into the camera.

The idea is that if they see you and are able to look into your eyes it is the best substitute for in person eye contact. Once again, this lends itself to the know-like-and-trust idea of feeling connected to someone and wanting to hear their message.

So, there you have it. Some of the awesome ways to use your new photos to take your business to the next level.

You can and should have your branding shoot planned out. So don’t be afraid to make shot list that will enable you to get at least one of each of these. That way you know you have it all. Your photographer will thank you for letting them know what you want. After all, they are there to help you get what you need.




10 Easy Steps to Getting A Great New Headshot!

Are you using a selfie, wedding photo, or photo from three hairstyles ago as your profile photo?

Then it is time for a new headshot!

I know, I know, you are busy, you want to get a new haircut, your want t lose five pounds, it’s too expensive, and you hate having your picture taken.

What if I told you it didn’t have to take a lot of time, I could help you look like you already lost five pounds, and I promise to do my best to make it fun and low stress?

If you set the date to make it happen you can make sure to get your haircut and your nails done in time!

Contrary to what you might think, getting the haircut is not the first step. Scheduling your headshot is the first step. Then work backwards from there. (Unless you have a hairstylist that schedules really really far out, this will work.)

You see once you know the date you need to look your best on, you can set up all your appointments to make sure you look as awesome as you are.


headshots grouping from instagram

10 Steps to Getting Ready for Your Headshot Photoshoot

  1. Call and schedule your headshot session for two to four weeks away.
  2. Make an appoinment for a haircut and/or color about 7-10 days from your session date. This gives you a chance to make sure you really like your haircut and get it touched up if you need too.
  3. While you are there schedule your manicure and pedicure for 1-2 days before your session. If you wax your eyebrows then have them waxed 1-2 days beforehand by a person you trust. Make sure that you get a bottle of whatever color you decide on for touch ups just in case you chip your polish. Or have the gel manicure so there is almost no way to chip it. If you don’t paint your nails, still get a manicure to get rid of hang nails and make sure your nails are nice and neat and clean. Make sure to clean them before your shoot as well.
  4. Look through your wardrobe and pick out 3-4 looks that reflect your style and personality. Make sure that they will all be ready to go the day of. Perhaps a run to the dry cleaners is in order? Or maybe you need to replace a button. Make sure you try the clothes on with the undergarmets and shoes you plan to wear with them. Check for pinching, bra straps showing, buttons missing, pants or sleeves needing a hem.
  5. Work out all of your accessories and simple changes you can make to your hairstyles if you want more variety in your images.
  6. Make an appointment to have your hair styled and make up done the day of if you think you would like to have this done by someone else. Make sure that they know your style and do your make up the way you really want it and in a way that reflects your brand.
  7.  For a minimum of 2 days, but really more like 4-5, before your shoot, avoid eating salty foods and drinking alcohol, get some exercise, and sleep as much as you can. This will help reduce any bloating and under-eye bags.
  8. The day before your shoot, get a massage, if you can swing it. Do whatever makes you feel relaxed and happy. A massage, meditaion, excerise, whatever works for you.
  9. Prep all of your clothes on hangers to avoid wrinkling the night before. Steam or iron anything ahead of time. If you have garment bags, use them. Make sure to hang them in your car. (Make sure to download and read the What to Wear for Headshots guide before picking out your clothing. Sign up below to download it.)
  10. If you made a hair and make up appointment have it done with some extra time padding before your shoot to avoid running late. You want to get as much out of your shoot as you can.

The key to a good headshot is coming ready for the shoot. Relaxed, styled, and ready to go. If you are in a hurry or still getting ready it can show in your photos.

Use you photo shoot as an excuse for some amazing self care! Not that you need an excuse, but  hey, a little extra leg massage with your pedicure may be necessary in order to be relaxed for your shoot! ; )

Download your free What to Wear Guide here. And as always, if you have any questions feel free to ask!

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